Guerilla is configured with a local and a user configuration. The local configuration is a machine-based configuration, while the user configuration can be different for each user. The user configuration overrides the local configuration.
When starting up, configuration variables are first searched in the user configuration file, and if not found, the variables are searched in the local configuration. If a variable cannot be found in either of the configurations, the variable gets a default value.
You can access the configuration in Guerilla with the Preferences > Local Settings. When a local setting is changed, the value is written into the user configuration when Guerilla quits.
The local configuration file is
The user configuration file is
.Variables in configuration
Guerilla accepts environment variables in configuration files. Use ${VARIABLE} (with curly brackets) so Guerilla expands VARIABLE when loading the configuration file.
Environment variables
Here are the environment that are optionally used by Guerilla. None of them is mandatory.
The path to the local machine configuration file. When not set, defaults to 'GUERILLA_USR_CONF
The path to the user configuration file. When not set, defaults to 'GUERILLA_THEME
The path to the theme directory. This directory contains bitmap icons that override the default ui/ bitmaps found in the installation.GUERILLA_CONSOLE_CFG
The path to the console configuration file. This file contains the state of the console window (placement, opened files, etc.) When not set, defaults to guerilla dir/console.cfg (which might not be write permitted.)GUERILLA_LIBRARY
The path to the Guerilla library. When not set, defaults to guerilla dir/library.OCIO
The path to the OpenColorIO configuration file. SeeLocal Settings
These settings are read at startup from the user/local configuration.
LicenceServerPort - Licence > Licence Server Port
Specifies the port of the licence server. The default port is 19200.
LicenceServer - Licence > Licence Server
Specifies the IP address of the licence server.
LicenceFile - Licence > Licence File
Specifies the location of the licence file. When no licence server is provided, Guerilla will try to use the licence file located at this place. The default location is INSTALL/guerilla.licence where INSTALL is the Guerilla installation directory.
Directories and environment customization
UserPlugins - Directories > User Plugins
Specifies a list of custom directories where to find additional plugins. At startup, Guerilla scans those directories and run any Lua script file it finds. Those files must have the 'lua' extension.
Items in this list can be separated by either '\n', '\r', ':' or ';', with the exception of 'X:' not treated as a separator
for consistency with Windows path. For instance X:/Production/Guerilla/plugins:X:/Project/Guerilla/plugins
treated as X:/Production/Guerilla/plugins
and X:/Project/Guerilla/plugins
UserLibrary - Directories > User Library
Specifies the location of custom libraries. Items in this list can be separated by either '\n', '\r', ':' or ';', with the
exception of 'X:' not treated as a separator for consistency with Windows path. Each directory can have an option
=NAME specifier used in the library as display. For instance
will add /production/guerilla/lib (displayed
as SiteLibrary) and /show/guerilla/lib (displayed as ShowLibrary) in the Library view.
LocalEnvironment - Directories > Local Environment
Specifies additional environment variables to be declared within Guerilla. These environment variables can be accessed in scripts/plugins.
CPU management
NThreads - CPU > Threads
Specifies the number of threads to use.
MaxThreads - CPU > Max Threads
Specifies the maximum number of threads to use. This value clamps the NThreads variable.
Memory management
RAMResourceAmount - Cache Manager > RAM Resource Amount
Specifies the size (in fraction of the system memory) of the texture and geometry cache. The default value is 0.75 (3 quarters of the system RAM)
LocalCacheDirectory - Cache Manager > Local Cache Directory
DEPRECATED Specifies the location of the local texture cache directory.
LocalCacheSize - Cache Manager > Local Cache Threshold
DEPRECATED Specifies the size of the local texture cache directory.
File management
Specifies a list of semicolor separated prefix/replacement pairs of string. All file paths going through Guerilla will be remapped if they match the prefix. For instance:
PathMap = D:\=/driveD/;/home/user=C:\Users\user
will remap C:\a\path to /driveD/a/path and /home/user/diffuse.tex to C:\Users\user/diffuse.tex
Low Quality rendering
LowSamples - Low Quality Render > Low Samples
Sample count in low quality render.
LowStereo - Low Quality Render > Stereo
Enables/disables the stereo rendering for low quality rendering.
LowLayerSizeDivisor - Low Quality Render > Layer Size Divisor
LowVolumeStepDivisor - Low Quality Render > Volume Step Divisor
Specifies the OpenGL stereoscopic display mode. Possible values are:
- Disable: no stereo display
- Anaglyph: color anaglyph
- AnaglyphBW: black and white anaglyph
- Interleaved: left and right cameras are interleaved over the scan lines. Requires an interleaved monitor.
- SideBySide: leftiew is displayed on the left monitor, right view is displayed on the right monitor. Both monitors mush share the same desktop
- QuadBuffer: uses NVidia Quadro's quad-buffered stereo support.
Flip eyes for stereo display
Anaglyph left eye color filter
Anaglyph right eye color filter
Gamma space of the screen
Maximum texture resolution for OpenGL only
Maximum shadow map resolution for OpenGL only
Indicative amount of video memory mounted on graphic card, in megabytes
DEPRECATED Maximum number of displayable lights in OpenGL
Snapping distance in pixels, for the snap to surface/edge/vertex tool
Location of the console configuration file. Defaults to GUERILLA_CONSOLE_CFG environment variable, or $GUERILLA/console.cfg
Indicates if Lua debugger is enabled (1)
Location of the shortcuts file
TCP port to send Lua commands to a Guerilla host.
Location of the default UI layout file to load. Defaults to $GUERILLA/default.glayout
Location of recently opened files.
Active farm interface.
Display loading logs and warnings
Additionnal directory for UI bitmaps
Background opacity of the contextual/right menu
Command line console to execute batch jobs
DEPRECATED Show icons in contextual/right menu
DEPRECATED Automatically push renders when finished
DEPRECATED Drag'n drop materials/lights from library as reference instead of import.
Progression message displayed by the renderer.
Forces the display of startup diagnostics.
Forces the renderer to stop at the first encountered error.
GUI automatically builds missing .tex
The custom path to build tex files. The default value is:
- $(DIRECTORY) is the directory of the original bitmap
- $(FILE) is the base name of the original bitmap
- $(FILENOEXT) is the base name of the original bitmap without extension
- $(EXT) is the original bitmap extension
- $(FILTER) is the filter name
- $(MODE) is the clamp/wrap mode
- $(CHANNEL) is the channel name
Note that the previous tokens can have an '_' character so it is possible to specify optional _ separators in the resulting texture path as seen with $(_CHANNEL). The GUERILLA_AUTO_BUILD_TEXTURES_PATH environment variable overrides this value.